Sports Performance Coaching & Therapy
My Sports Performance Coaching & Therapy is focused on an athlete's development as an individual, including personal and therapeutic issues associated with sports performance. For example, sports performance therapy assists athletes with reducing stress and anxiety, overcoming fear of failure and success, and burn-out. We also address interpersonal issues such as family and marital difficulty.
In addition, performance counselling may assist with problem prevention, coping skills, relaxation training, decision-making, life management and career planning, therapeutic strategies, and crisis intervention. Ineffective attempts to deal with stress by the athlete can result in the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Timely assessments and treatment by me can provide athletes with educational programs and information about drugs and substance abuse treatment.
What is Sports Performance Coaching & Therapy?
As a Sports performance therapist, I teach the athlete to visualise successfully completing a certain action in a sporting activity. This gives the athlete confidence to complete the maneuver as well as prepare the athlete’s body for the actual maneuver.
Depending on the athletes’ requirements I may choose to use either Therapeutic Models or Modern Hypnotherapy.
Sports performance counsellors provide a model for athletes to have focus in the job they do and build a career for proficiency and self-actualisation. Fear of failure, anxiety and lack of confidence are some of the issues athletes face on the field, and inconsistency in performance and social withdrawal is strongly recognised as issues that may require the attention of the counsellor in his practice.
One of the further concerns is that Athletes' career decisions are often postponed due to the intense level of commitment required by their sports participation. As your Sports performance therapist, I use interventions that focus on development across your lifespan.
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Notwithstanding these issues, it must also be acknowledged that planning for athletic retirement can also be a frustrating experience if prior considerations for this phase of life have not been addressed. Planning for a second career and transferring athletic skills to life skills are important issues for most professional athletes. As a Therapist, I assist you through this phase of your sporting life.
If you would like to book an appointment, please click the link below.